Federal Financial Stability – • Reduce taxes and reform tax law • Eliminate wasteful foreign conflict budget spending • Reduce federal agency budgets and personnel • Eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse • Grow and promote U.S. businesses • Reduce suppressive regulatory hurdles for businesses
National Defense and Veterans Care – • Strong National Defense for our protection and emergencies • Support "Defend the Guard" legislation • Border policy and protections improvements • Eliminate Red Flag and domestic spying laws • Reduce and end foreign conflict and costly overseas contingency operations and contracts • Expand community healthcare programs for veterans, and better integrate records, billing, and coding for community healthcare access
Medical Freedom – • Define and resolve personal sovereignty, or self-ownership • Regain individual medical and personal decisions • Demand independent review of the vaccine approval and research data • Remove legal protections for vaccines • Further protect privacy of patients • End federal cannabis prohibition and expunge all federal cannabis records